Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm back!

After almost falling off the face of the earth for over a month... not really but almost. Life is finally returning to a new normal. Justin and I have started new jobs in northeast Wyoming. We are settling into a gorgeous home along the Powder River, where Justin works as a ranch hand and I run the office for the ranch. He has been enjoying riding his horse everyday, while I try to figure out how to make Cow Sense work.

We've been a little here and there over the last month, spending a weekend at Justin's parents place, then packing, driving a U-Haul, and going to Minnesota- of course I couldn't miss the county fair. And of course I took pictures while we were there.

Littlest brother answering questions during showmanship

 Grand Champion Senior Swine Showman-and 3rd Overall Senior Showman at the MN State Fair!

And of course there was The Band Perry in concert-so many people!

Yes-this picture was taken behind the stage!

I have LOTS more pictures to share-be sure to check out my Facebook page in the near future! But I had better go make sure I have enough groceries to last the next 2 weeks. Gotta make a trip into town tomorrow! This whole being over an hour away from the nearest grocery store takes a little getting used to!

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