Thursday, July 14, 2011

We took a road trip last weekend...

and headed west...

First stop: Wall Drug (donuts for Justin and taffy for me). That really was our whole reason for stopping there.

Next, a few stops in Rapid City. Justin needed another Sabona bracelet for his right wrist now, and a roping glove w/ gel pad (so we can hopefully avoid future broken bones)

Supper was at Dickey's! One of the best BBQ joints I've ever eaten at. Seriously, every time we go to Rapid we eat there at least once. We headed on up to Gillette for the night, then spent a little time in Wyoming. Seeing sights like this:

and this (name that museum)

It was a quick trip, but a lot of fun! I love semi-random road trips. And I love Sheridan. Of course we made the obligatory Devils Tower stop on the way home. And a flea market where I was creeped out to the max by a guys booth. Seriously-deer feet, pheasant pelts (complete with head), snake skins, and who knows what else.

This weekend's agenda: Volunteering at the 4-H rodeo where it will be a wonderful 97 degrees. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love the picture of the saddle. I have never been to Wall Drug, but have heard so many cool things about it.
