Monday, June 27, 2011

I have a new couch! And other random thoughts

Since I don't have much of anything real exciting and interesting, and I've posted all of my new pictures on Facebook (go check them out if you haven't! <---) here's a list of all things new and exciting in my life...
  • The couch I ordered a month and a half ago FINALLY arrived. Flooding held it up, or so the furniture company claimed...
  • Speaking of flooding, please keep the people affected by all of this flooding in your thoughts and prayers. The Corp. of Engineers has put some of the strain on Chamberlain/Oacoma and some coworkers of mine had to go through the stress of tearing out their basement and sandbagging this past week.
  • Work is going to get a little quiet, everybody is leaving for the holiday weekend, and Justin and I will stay home. I'm just looking forward to my 3-day weekend!
  • I made a quick trip back home this past weekend, to say goodbye to my family's foreign exchange student, Carlos, who made has started his trip back home to Brazil :(
  • I had fun catching up with some good friends at the street dance, and got to be the sober person with the other Abby, my brother's girlfriend.
  • I only forgot my sunglasses at home this weekend. Not such a big deal because there's plenty of those around here. Last month, I forgot my straightener at home. I think I wore my hair in a ponytail for the entire time I didn't have it.
  • June Monday nights in Reliance mean summer rec basketball. We spend about an hour doing drills with the younger kids, and then enjoy a little game of pick-up. Tonight's "little" game was an hour and a half long! 
  • Justin's birthday is in two weeks. I told him he was getting a picture of himself as a present (see previous post) but I probably should do a little more than that... Any suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. Wow your photos are beautiful! I saw you on Twitter, but I am glad I found you here. Thinking about all the people that have land and homes under water right now. I live close to the Missouri River and part of our town is starting to flood. I especially feel for the farmers and ranchers.
